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Showing posts from June, 2009

friends' updates

chat with my best buddy, Cherry from tawau...then found out:- she is 6 months pregnant! AL is 9 months pregnant! my ex-college mate Mr. AY already a father, what a surprise!!! a use-to-be-very-close friend is getting married next year...^^ Mr. CC is doing his own business... Time flies~ all the best! warmest greeting from KK, Tracy


当人越长大, 能让我为之而开心或微笑的事就越少, 生活的压力往往使人忘了微笑的力量. 爸爸忙里抽空与孩子们去海边玩耍; 妈妈亲手煮的一顿美味晚餐; 与家人朋友相聚的欢乐时光; 一杯热腾腾的香浓咖啡; 书架上还没读完那有趣的图书; 朋友一封问好的简讯; 早上起床后呼吸的新鲜空气; 遇见邻居的小孩对着你那天真的笑脸, 才恍然微笑其实很自然且发自内心. 我, 不要忘了微笑. 虽然老土, 不过我们不得不承认: "笑一笑, 世界更美好."

Open up!!

"Mind is like an umbrella, it's useless until it's open." by A.C. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. - Rom 12:2