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Showing posts from October, 2022

Look up

又是一個挫折感很滿的早晨⋯⋯ 很難控制自己的情緒。 不想看到他,不想和他說話,不想聽到他的聲音⋯⋯ 突然看見天空有一隻鳥、兩隻鳥⋯⋯ 我就定睛在它們的身上,看著它們翱翔。 「是老鷹嗎?」 「它們是一對的嗎?」 「是在覓食嗎?」 慢慢的情緒好了些。

dear you

You matter. You matter because God loves you so much that He sent His only begotten son Jesus to die on the cross to redeem you. You matter because you have purpose. You matter because you can make a difference no matter how big or small.  You matter because the best is yet to come. You matter because you are willing to make a change even though is difficult. You matter because you are so loved.