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I had a feel-like-taking-photos day… Uploaded some on face book, maybe some of u would like to have a look…


Took a group photo with GCC media team (as below), some were not in coz not on duty…hehe… next time will have a whole family one…so Derek, stand by ur camera all the time!

Was chit chatting with CL, talked abt my mom…she makes enzyme (酵素), yoghurt, pudding, fruit juice, soya bean milk…etc…then CL said: “你好幸福哦!” yes, indeed. I have a mom that loves us very much! Then I quickly grabbed my mobile and sent her a msg - ‘Mum, just wanna tell u I Love You!’ My 1st time did this action u know! Though she didn’t reply me, but im sure she saw the sms! =)
Bible Show Down was so much fun! All the participants did so well! Especially Word Power winners, they can memorize the Bible verses so fluently! Keep it up!


On leave 1 day, did some personal thingy… Went to Gear Up 2 at nite.


I had a great time spent with my gang - Ze, SS & ES. Discuss about “rubbish” in life...selfishness, irresponsible, jealousy, greed, rotten attitude, bad habits, and etc…We pointed out each one’s weaknesses! Laughter and laughter…thankful to have friends like them, embrace one another weaknesses and strength…


Thank God for a good time in cell meeting. I had a breakthrough! =)


I had an car accident…$ gone…=( But thank God, no serious injury caused.


Anonymous said…
can we be fren?
TRACE said…
hi edi神!
thanks for visiting my blog...
of coz we can be fren...=)

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