so blessed! =D

I am so thankful for the past week that I can share thoughts, experiences, feelings and a lot more with Ed, Joyce, MS, Jac, ES, Mike, ZL, SC, EC and many other friends. It was quite sometimes I didn’t have quality conversation. I really appreciate the time we spent together! they motivated me, uplifted me, encouraged me, inspired me, blessed me…and I am sure they will always do. They shared out of the heart. I don’t know how to explain my excitement to u but exchanging thoughts, experiences with them was so much fun! I also learn to be a better listener. We live in this world, is not lone ranger but meant to be in a community, live with people around us. Enjoy the time spend with one another, you will find it is a joy.


喵之迹 said… a joy to share..^^..
keep it up ya...gambateh..^^..

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