Stay Connected!

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart form me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Do you need more power and strength in your life today? When you are connected to the Father through Jesus, you are connected to your life source. Just as a branch is sustained by the vine it’s attached to, we are sustained by being attached to Him. If you think about how fruit grows, it doesn’t just happen over night; it takes time and the right conditions. In the same way, the spiritual fruit in your own life develops over time, too. You might be tempted to get discouraged if you aren’t seeing “fruit” as quickly as you’d like, but be encouraged today! If you’ll keep your heart humble before the Lord and stay connected to Him through prayer and studying His Word, you’ll see that fruit begin to form in your life just as He promised! You’ll see the fruit of joy, which is strength. You’ll see the fruit of love and peace, which will sustain you in the midst of difficulty. As you stay connected to Him, you’ll be empowered and equipped for every circumstance, and you’ll live as an overcomer in every area of your life! (taken from Today's Word from Joel & Victoria)


喵之迹 said…
everything takes time..but is only in His presence...we always feel like not enuf...
yup...Ecc 3:1..God have His season for everything...

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