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I did

a stranger came to my working place this afternoon. he told me he suffered from blood tumor, he showed me the lump on his neck, and his hand is a bit crooked...he said he has no job and no money for his family...he asked me whether i can donate him a few ringgit... i gave RM10...and i prayed to God for his condition. my heart did judged him, whether he was cheating me or not? whether he will bring home the money or not? i shouldn't ask whether he bring home the money or not, but i should ask whether i was giving out of a sincere heart? Yes God, I did.


zewt said…
a pastor once said.... better we be cheated a thousand times than to allow out hearts to be hardened even once...

i guess you put that phrase to life that day.
Anonymous said…
I ponder on the same topic too n am encouraged :)
Anonymous said…
Ah! I know that feel. Always at restaurant when beggars come asking for money I have an urge to give but shamefully sometimes i didn't give even though i want to give because i'm afraid of being laughed by my friends as stupid but the phrase is always, better cheated than hardening my heart just once.

Anyway i have added your blog to my blogroll.. do add me too.. hehe (=
TRACE said…
zewt: thanks!
erin: thanks. im encouraged as u are encouraged
aaron: sincerity overcome shamefulness.

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