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Happiness is not when you buy a Prxda brand handbag with few months salary; Happiness is not when you own the whole world; Happiness is when you are hungry and your mom cook a meal for you, even if its only instant noodles...

a love song

You are my Lord, You are my Saviour, I want to praise You, I want to worship You forevermore. You are my love, You are my strength, I want to love You, I want to be with You forevermore. You are my all, You are my everything, I want to give You my all, I want to honour You forevermore. Jesus, I can do all things because of You. Jesus, I want to worship You for who You are.

TMO popiah!

we had cell lantern party at my house. i'm assigned to cook popiah since it's a potbless style... then i went to buy sengkuang, cabbage, carrot, popiah skin, etc...and suddenly i had a feeling that fried chicken wing is easier than popiah....=P the making of popiah is actually fun! ^^ i did all the vege cutting(which is much more difficult than i thought)! hehe... then i called my mom... tracy: ma, only put salt to cook those ingredients kah? mom: u finish cutting all the vege already? tracy: ya mom: ok. ya, only put salt to season it... tracy: do i need to cook the carrot and sengkuang 1st then add in the cabbage later? or just put everything into the "wok" to fry? mom: no need to separate it, just put all. actually...i'm on my way home... tracy: (with a big smile on my face) really? then can u cook the ingredients for me pls? mom: ok ok, i made the popiah...hehe....get a girlfriend to help...=) and my mom fried the popiah...=) i did some deco around the plate.....

twenty third of august

Abba Father, I thank You for Your love upon my life. Birthday, is not older one year... It means God has been with me in past years and will continue to shower His love upon my life in the days ahead. I have more to thank God for in the future, to learn, to glorify Him, to seek wisdom, to share gospel and to continue to trust in Him. It's not by my own strength, but by the grace of God. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Amen.

What's UP!

I watched "Up" with friends. Didn't expect much before the movie but was very excited(wah~~~), because of the balloons I guess... And, it was good! * * 4 stars! * * Happiness is when one choose to let go what matters the most in life, and choose to help others. One gain that satisfaction which indescribable with words... After all, people matters more than things.


Col 1:27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Hope is tangible when I place my trust in Jesus. Amen.


1 Thessalonians 5 : 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I'm thankful to God for my spiritual leaders. Thanks for always care and encourage me to move forward.


用心感受, 幸福就在你我身边; 虽然幸福不一定发生在我身上, 但却能令我微笑.

before turn to butterfly

I saw a pupa hanging at my gate this morning... I should be able to learn something from the process of metamorphosis! And I googled... to be updated...

friends' updates

chat with my best buddy, Cherry from tawau...then found out:- she is 6 months pregnant! AL is 9 months pregnant! my ex-college mate Mr. AY already a father, what a surprise!!! a use-to-be-very-close friend is getting married next year...^^ Mr. CC is doing his own business... Time flies~ all the best! warmest greeting from KK, Tracy


当人越长大, 能让我为之而开心或微笑的事就越少, 生活的压力往往使人忘了微笑的力量. 爸爸忙里抽空与孩子们去海边玩耍; 妈妈亲手煮的一顿美味晚餐; 与家人朋友相聚的欢乐时光; 一杯热腾腾的香浓咖啡; 书架上还没读完那有趣的图书; 朋友一封问好的简讯; 早上起床后呼吸的新鲜空气; 遇见邻居的小孩对着你那天真的笑脸, 才恍然微笑其实很自然且发自内心. 我, 不要忘了微笑. 虽然老土, 不过我们不得不承认: "笑一笑, 世界更美好."

Open up!!

"Mind is like an umbrella, it's useless until it's open." by A.C. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. - Rom 12:2


swing away my bad mood, let the good comes in; swing away my negative thoughts, allowing rooms for positive thinking; swing away the sadness, say welcome to happiness.


一对情侣在某餐厅用餐, 女友 :“DEAR, 我前天与 TRACEY 和她的男友一同去 KKMALL 逛服饰店。 你知道吗, 她的男友多贴心啊! TRACEY 非常喜欢一件裙子, 她的男友二话不说就买给她了。” 男友 :“哦。” 女友 :“其实我也看上了一件裙子, 太美了。穿起来, 好合身呢!而且又非常的便宜, 很值得!” 男友 :“哦。” 女友 :“我们明天去看看, 好吗?” 男友 :“哦。” 女友 :(太好了, 明天一定要他买给我!) 男友 :(明天怎么办啊?)


Happiness is when you have a glass of iced water in your hand when you were under the hot sun.


一分渴望; 一分勇敢; 一分失望; 一分学习; 一分盼望; 一分喜悦; 等待, 有时候有趣, 不一定是你想要的答案, 但还是继续等待。


“We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” - Frederick Keonig


你, 一直都在我身旁, 不曾离开... 与你的相遇是何时何地? 我想我与你擦肩而过...但是你却说, 你不会放弃我... 日子一天一天的过, 你一直守护着我... 虽然我用力的想要逃避... 虽然我对你不理不睬... 虽然我说不要你的关怀... 虽然我甚至想要把你忘记...你却不曾离我而去... 为什么? 我不明白... 直到我陷入低谷, 想要放弃, 以为你也将要离开我, 才发现我错了... 你伸出双手拥抱我, 叫我别放弃, 因为你不曾放弃我... 你说:"我爱你, 永远都不会离开你!" 我, 也不要离你而去! 你的大爱, 拯救了我. 我愿用一生去回应你的爱. 谢谢你, 耶稣. 你, 一直都在我身旁, 不曾离开.

fung su's big day

Congratulations Wilson & Fung Su !! It's always a joy to share the happiness of friends. And its my pleasure to be part of the memorable day, I am the bride's maid! =P the ji muis are geng ah!! who is the one getting married next here? =P

simply because of love

I thank God for His love, I thank God for parents.

Your way

To do things according to our mind is easy, but to do things according to faith is hard. How many times God ask me to listen to Him and obey Him, i ignore... "Forgive me O Lord for i was so stubborn and ignorance. I surrender myself to You, take me to the place of obedience that I may do all things according to Your way and not my own way. I want to be focus on the primary assignment that You have given to me. Thank You O Lord for loving me. In Jesus name, amen." "Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name" NKJV, -Rom 1:5-


sometimes, i wonder what is the real meaning of gratitude... according to, Gratitude means "the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful" or "a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation". what do u do when u want to express gratitude towards someone or something? a friend shared with me she read Psalms of David recently. she admired King David of his gratitude towards God eventhough tons of trials and tribulations happened. i thank God that my friend shared this to me. i thank God for a friend like her. I'm not born with "gratitude", i'm still learning to give thanks to God in all circumstances. a pastor once said: "you dont know what to thank God for?" "thank God for your sight!" "thank God that u are breathing!" "thank God that u still alive!" Tracy, dont take things for granted, give it a thought for whatever thing that is happening to you. 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, ...


Indeed, I'm thankful to friends that always encouraging and motivating! below are some quotes from friends that i wanna share with u :- start the day by praising God and be aware He is with you. remember that life develops what it demands, the toughest path creates the strongest warrior. pray not for a lighter load, but for stronger shoulders. be encouraged!

dear blog

dear blog, its 1:16am, i thought i supposed to be sleeping cause im not feeling well; still coughing... but im not sleepy or tired, in fact i dont feel like sleeping... can i just blog and blog and wait until 7:30am then go to work? practically, i will be very tired later... hmm...maybe because too much to think about... i tried to sms a friend hoping to get a reply and can chit chat for awhile, but no respond... maybe i should go and get some hot milk for a better more fresh milk, and i hate milk powder! maybe i should read a book, a boring to dead book to make me tired... maybe i should go to McD to buy supper, since im a bit hungry now...practically, its a bit dangerous to go out alone now... hmm...i re-read some of my previous post...hahaha... its 1:27am...maybe i should try to sleep...bye

I did

a stranger came to my working place this afternoon. he told me he suffered from blood tumor, he showed me the lump on his neck, and his hand is a bit crooked...he said he has no job and no money for his family...he asked me whether i can donate him a few ringgit... i gave RM10...and i prayed to God for his condition. my heart did judged him, whether he was cheating me or not? whether he will bring home the money or not? i shouldn't ask whether he bring home the money or not, but i should ask whether i was giving out of a sincere heart? Yes God, I did.