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Showing posts from 2008

challenged to love

I asked a friend: what is the one principle that you hold strong in life? Friend: always think for others, i think... me: YA! always put others 1st...(can I really do that?) then the thought goes on...God challenged me not only to put other first, but love others with Christ's love...ok, yes i will! with God's help... let's identify 'others'... homosexual, muslim, buddhist, whom i hate, whom hate me, whom i hurt, whom hurt me, whom i thought they are not worthy to be loved, whom cheats, kills, destroys, the poor, those lack of hugs, whom i thought i care enough but actually not, whom i dont have patience with, abandoned child, elderly, stubborn people, and... God, i need You.

the greatest gift

everybody loves to receive gifts...yes, me too. I knew and accepted the greatest gift that perfectly fits my heart - Jesus. Jesus, a greatest gift that fits your heart, too. Glory to God! =)

the waste bin lesson

I saw my maid cleaned a waste bin with a brush this morning before I went to work. The 1st thing that came to me was: "the bottom also need to clean meh?" but I didnt speak to Amy about it. Then the 2nd thought, which struck me! "Tracy, do u know that u r like a waste bin?!" ME? a waste bin? Amy cleaned the waste bin from top to bottom; just like God cleanse our sins through Jesus, thoroughly when i accepted Him as my personal Lord and Saviour. Those stains are like my bad temper, my selfish thought, which God will remove bit by bit as I continue to seek Him. Waste bin, be useful! = P

what I learned today

been reading a book...for...i think more than 2 weeks...and is getting more and more excited! feels like finish it in 1 day...but i cant...lots of vocab that i dont understand...english...gosh, im still learning hard! i learned new words today! mayfly - Also called shadfly. any insect of the order Ephemeroptera, having delicate, membranous wings with the front pair much larger than the rear and having an aquatic larval stage and a terrestrial adult stage usually lasting less than two days. wail - i)to utter a prolonged, inarticulate, mournful cry, usually high-pitched or clear-sounding, as in grief or suffering: to wail with pain. martyr - a person who willingly suffers death rather than renounce his or her religion. notorious - publicly or generally known, as for a particular trait. parish - an ecclesiastical district having its own church and member of the clergy. imminent - likely to occur at any moment; impending. remission - pardon; forgiveness, as of sins or offenses. va...

somewhere in the world

Every 5 seconds, a child dies from hunger somewhere in the world. More than 800 million people in the world go to bed on an empty stomach, most of whom are women and children. It only costs RM 0.66 a day to feed a hungry child at school. Do you have RM 0.66?

James 4:8

James 4:8 says - Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. This is the promise of God! When we draw near to Him, He will surely draw near to us! Hey, God is just a prayer away! In fact, He is just beside you! When you stumble, His hand is ever ready for you! How wonderful is your love and grace O Lord, I can partner with You in my life! =D

between you and God

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends.And some true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building,Someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Be good anyway. Give the world the best you have,And it may never be enough; Give the world the best you have anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It is never between you and them anyway. (Mother Teresa) -taken from LivingWater4U-


12/7/2008 I had a feel-like-taking-photos day… Uploaded some on face book, maybe some of u would like to have a look… 13/7/2008 Took a group photo with GCC media team (as below), some were not in coz not on duty…hehe… next time will have a whole family one…so Derek, stand by ur camera all the time! Was chit chatting with CL, talked abt my mom…she makes enzyme (酵素), yoghurt, pudding, fruit juice, soya bean milk…etc…then CL said: “你好幸福哦!” yes, indeed. I have a mom that loves us very much! Then I quickly grabbed my mobile and sent her a msg - ‘Mum, just wanna tell u I Love You!’ My 1st time did this action u know! Though she didn’t reply me, but im sure she saw the sms! =) Bible Show Down was so much fun! All the participants did so well! Especially Word Power winners, they can memorize the Bible verses so fluently! Keep it up! 14/7/2008 On leave 1 day, did some personal thingy… Went to Gear Up 2 at nite. 15/7/2008 I had a great time spent with my gang - Ze, SS & ES. Discuss about...

Life is a learning curve~

Keep learning to be a better daughter, sister, cousin, friend, leader... to change to right from wrong to labour in God's purposes in my life to renew my mind to love others to listen from Him and learning to be a better person in every area of my life.


Time is too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, Too short for those who rejoice, But for those who love, time is eternity. -Henry Van Dyke-

Run The Race

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. 1 Cor 9 : 24-27

DIY card for mom

it turned out to be okay...= P 4 of us deco it...pages of our notes to mom... and also a comic drawn by my sis... ;) my mom love it so much! hehe...= D whatever from the children is the best! LOVE you ma~

the best ways...

the best way to take frustration & rejection is to wallow in it. -Mr. B- the best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it. -Richard Bach- the best way to solve a conflict is to deal with it. -tw- the best way to love someone is to show it. -tw-

Pursue our dream!

Ecclesiastes 5:1-3 V1 - Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear rather than to give the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they do evil. V2 - Do not be rash with your mouth, And let not your heart utter anything hastily before God. For God is in heaven, and you on earth; Therefore let your words be few. V3 - For a dream comes through much activity, And a fool's voice is known by his many words. Im thankful for the very good sharing by ZL. DREAMS is something that each one of us should have. Then we make it our goals to achieve! We dont just dream and no action. Planning towards fulfilling our goals is very important! Walk the talk! Step by step overcoming all odds and trials and challenges! Do not lose heart, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."(Phil 4:13) Let's pursue your dreams!


a stranger viewed me on friendster... because of curiosity, i viewed him as well... but photos that he uploaded frightened me!~ photos of dead people... anyone can upload any photo/article on internet, cant stop them... people can view anything posted online... recently read an article on cyber bullying saying one-third of American teen internet users have been targets of cyber bullies. the ability to reach more people, the always-on culture of the internet is affecting teenages for the negative side. whose responsibility?

Mother's Day is coming~

Mother's Day is around the corner, cracking your head thinking what to buy? =P my sis and I still figuring out where to have our family dinner. dinner set on 8th of May...some asked why so early? =P its because thursday is the only day that all of our family members are free....hehe... we decided to DIY a mother's day card for our dearest mom! good idea leh~ have to sit down with them and design...exciting!~ =D will show u ya, if its nice...hehe

a prayer

"This is my desire to honour You, Lord with all my heart I worship You, All I have within me I give You praise, All that I adore is in You, Lord...I give You my heart, I give You my soul, I live for You alone, Every breath that I take, Every moment I'm awake, Lord have Your way in me. " Break me, mold me, transform me each day. This is my prayer.

so blessed! =D

I am so thankful for the past week that I can share thoughts, experiences, feelings and a lot more with Ed, Joyce, MS, Jac, ES, Mike, ZL, SC, EC and many other friends. It was quite sometimes I didn’t have quality conversation. I really appreciate the time we spent together! they motivated me, uplifted me, encouraged me, inspired me, blessed me…and I am sure they will always do. They shared out of the heart. I don’t know how to explain my excitement to u but exchanging thoughts, experiences with them was so much fun! I also learn to be a better listener. We live in this world, is not lone ranger but meant to be in a community, live with people around us. Enjoy the time spend with one another, you will find it is a joy .

Stay Connected!

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart form me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Do you need more power and strength in your life today? When you are connected to the Father through Jesus, you are connected to your life source. Just as a branch is sustained by the vine it’s attached to, we are sustained by being attached to Him. If you think about how fruit grows, it doesn’t just happen over night; it takes time and the right conditions. In the same way, the spiritual fruit in your own life develops over time, too. You might be tempted to get discouraged if you aren’t seeing “fruit” as quickly as you’d like, but be encouraged today! If you’ll keep your heart humble before the Lord and stay connected to Him through prayer and studying His Word, you’ll see that fruit begin to form in your life just as He promised! You’ll see the fruit of joy, which is strength. You’ll see the fruit of love and peace, which will sustain y...


昨天去了一趟医院, 心有感触... 在等待升降机的当儿, 看见一位母亲抱着他的儿子, 看那孩子的身高, 大概有9岁了吧... 看见他的样子, 心都痛了...他每吸一口气或呼一口气, 我都能听到有痰的声音在他的喉咙里, 使他必不得已用更多的力气... 呼吸对他而言, 很辛苦... 还可以看见他的眼眶里忍不住的泪... 他也不时会望着妈妈, 发出很痛的呻吟... 我并不了解那孩子的状况, 但是仿佛可以体会他母亲的心情, 眼睛也红了... 有一次和我妈及伯母到医院去探访刚动了手术的堂弟. 同一个病房里有其他也动过手术的小孩, 一些在大声的哭, 有的在喊痛, 有些呢没哭也没喊, 但身上插着一些喉... 妈妈和伯母不敢多望一眼, 因为会很伤感而忍不住眼泪, 这是妈妈的心情. 那时的我很难体会她们的感受... 人越长大, 感触越多, 能体会的事也多了, 眼泪也很时常会失控地流... 感恩所有遇见的人, 事, 物...我会好好收藏所有珍贵的回忆. 用心体会吧!


一个星期六下午, 他和她在同一间咖啡屋。两人点了爱喝的Irish Coffee,不加糖。 他在看书, 而她也看着同一本书。不时会听见他们咯咯大笑, 身边的人也禁不住偷笑起来了。 一直坐到傍晚时分, 他们才离去。 他向老板娘说声谢, 她向服务员微笑点头。  不知道过了多少个星期六, 他们又回到了同一间咖啡屋, 选了同一张桌子。 他红着双眼, 点了Irish Coffee; 她泪流满面, 熟悉她的服务生也为她点了Irish Coffee.。这一次, 他们坐到店快要打烊才回家, 两人擦身而过。 无数个星期六过去了, 他们脸上又带着笑容,向咖啡屋的老板娘和服务生打招呼! 这一次, 他们没有点Irish Coffee, 反而向老板娘要了有点儿酸又带些甜的柳橙汁。 终于, 他们的眼神有了交集, 两人微笑了。


有对失业的年轻夫妇, 在早市摆摊子, 靠微薄的收入维持一家五口的生活. 这对夫妻,丈夫喜欢养鸟,妻子喜欢种花. 即使失业, 鸟笼里依旧传出悦耳的鸟啼声, 阳台上的花儿依旧鲜艳夺目. 失业后的他们, 收入减少许多, 却仍快乐不已, 邻居们都感到讶异. 一天,记者去采访他们. 丈夫说: “我们虽然无法改变目前的境况, 但是我们可以改变自己的心态.” 妻子说: “我们没了工作, 可是不能没有快乐.” 是的, 活着就要快乐. 不管你失去了什么, 千万不要失去快乐! 我相信, 笑一笑, 世界会更美好! = D

before the rain...

(cloud) (can u see those birds?) (erm...not a good shot?) (the cloud was a bit weird) (hehe...trying to get some nice shots...)


一个人在回顾自己的一生时, 发觉在人生的旅途上有两组脚印… 属于他和上帝的, 但最令他困惑的是, 在他人生低潮和最失意的时候, 地上却只有一组脚印, 他不解地问上帝: “为什么在我最需要你时, 你却不在?!” 上帝用慈祥的声音回答说: “孩子, 当你看见一组脚印时, 那正是我背着你!” 今天我们走的是什么路? 蓝天白云, 花香遍野, 脚步轻盈? 或是双肩沉重, 前路崎岖, 风雨重至, 一步一艰辛, 希望有人扶你一把? 只要你愿意, 无论是怎样的旅程, 耶稣都会和你走过.

Home Sweet Home

(view from my balcony!) ( framed by tang lungs and plants, the rocking chair was a b'day gift for my dear papa!) Im so thankful that my daddy has put so much effort to give us a warm and comfortable home. this is my 15th year stay...we have countless sweet memories here! =D I still remember we had only muddy road in the 1st lamp post...quite scary when u walk at night!~ bushes along the roadside...oh my~ snakes and frogs may accompany us on the way home sometimes...not forgetting few scorpions that visited our home! T_T Oh ya~ we used to have private waterfall when raining! it was fun enjoying the freezing water together with my dad and sis...haha...but construction thats going on have stop the rain from flowing down...Sigh~ but i'll never forget that! Also must introduce the nice view! especially at night... Wow~romantic...haha! a good dating consider, i dont charge! =P i'm not sure how far my eyes can go, but definitely the advertisement...


爱要勇敢说出来! 但必需要做好心理准备, 因为对某人所付出的爱往往得不到回报. 爱就是要付出, 用心地去付出. 不管后果是什么, 不埋怨; 不后悔; 不放弃地继续为爱付出. 你笑他傻吗?但他是快乐的,因为他懂得为爱而付出的真正意义. 你曾经为爱而用心付出吗? 

my A-Z!

A - Age ** 20+ lor~ B - Books ** there is something u can only learn thru reading & benefit from it…I love to read! C - Christian ** yes I am. It’s not about religion, but relationship. D - Drawing ** though I can’t draw well, but drawing is part of my life. E - Enthusiasm ** I adore people with enthusiastic personality, it’s encouraging! F - FAMILY + BASICALLY ** father and mother I love you, brothers and sisters I crazily and lavishly love you. G - Green ** my favorite colour H - Height ** 163cm I guess I - Ice-cream ** i like coconut flavour from Caprila~ anywhere else can find delicious coconut flavour ice-cream? J - Jeans ** A must-have item in my wardrobe! K - Kampung Kopungit ** my sweet home located here. L - Lamb ** I won’t eat lamb unless there is no choice! M - Music ** Oh~ my love~ my darling~ N - New Zealand ** I am coming!~ but don’t know when…=/ my sis and I decided to visit the Hobbits’ home! O - Omelette ** I know how to cook this! Hehe….and only this? NO, inst...